We had a fun and busy week.

We took advantage of the great weather and went outside Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  The children drew with sidewalk chalk, played red light – green light, walked like different animals, and enjoyed the playground!

The theme this week was rain and rainbows so the rain on Thursday was the perfect end to our theme!

We started off the week learning about “pairs”.  The children cut out and decorated a pair of socks.  We read two books about Noah’s Ark and played with “pairs” of plastic animals in the block center.  Rainbows was are second theme to go along with both the letter “R” and Noah’s adventure. The children painted and colored rainbows and created a beautiful rainbow fish out of a paper plate.

To end the week we read the story The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.  The children cut out a square and turned it into a pumpkin and we played a new class favorite game:  Doggie, Doggie, Where is your bone?

Looking Ahead:

Next week is farm week and the letter “F”

Fire Department Visit MONDAY

PICTURE DAY: Wednesday

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Elaine