Congratulations to us all!! We made it through the first week.
This week was mostly learning about each other and the rules and behaviors that come with being in school. As a school our #1 rule is we don’t hurt anyone on the outside or the inside. We talked a lot about how my job is to keep them safe and teach them all the things they’ll need for kindergarten . In doing that, I also need their help and the best way for them to help me is to be good listeners.
During centers this week we learned about each others families, pets, and favorite foods. The kids got to draw self portraits and bring home a first day of school poem with their handprint. We played games, got to build with magna tiles, and played with playdoh. We worked a lot this week on name writing and recognition. We even got to try our our cutting skills! Most of this is for me to gauge where each kid is at. I try my very best to keep centers and work at the level each kid is at.


 I want to thank you all for helping make this first week so wonderful!!

A couple of things I need your help with:

  • Please label all lunch boxes and water bottles. We have a couple of kids that have the same bottles and boxes and there’s no way to tell them apart otherwise .
  • We DO have a nut allergy so please please make sure to use sun butter or a different alternative !! We will send things home if they have nuts and I don’t want the kids to be hungry .
  • Also just a reminder to double check they have any utensils they need to eat their lunch. We have some on hand but not enough for everyone .
  • Our class eats lunch at 11:30. It’s a little later in the day so they may need a heartier breakfast to tie them over !!
  • If you have not turned in the registration forms or GroupMe form please do so asap. I use GroupMe as a main form of communication and also post pictures and updates weekly so I want everyone to have access to that information.
  • Last one! My classroom temperature seems to be the extreme of whatever system we have running. If the air is on it’s cold. If the heat’s on then it’s hot. Feel free to send the kids in layers! I have no problem if they need a sweater during the day or need to take a sweatshirt off if need be.

I appreciate all of the help and can’t wait to see what next week holds Our theme is Toy Story! 


Monthly Focus: September

letters – A & M

numbers – 0,1,2,3

color- red

shape- circle