We had a busy week! The kids are turning into little elves creating lots of goodies for you guys! Some things are more detailed and take extra time and others are fun! Either way they are working hard on all their projects! I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of the holiday crafts coming home their name Christmas trees and we’ll try and get another one next week if we have time!

Monday – We had a special visitor in school today, Officer Adams and K-9 Officer Storm from the St. John Police Department! All the kids were able to pet Storm and learned some information from Officer Adams about all the work they do together, and they got to see Storm in action locating an item that was hidden from him, which he found right away! All the students were given a trading card with Storm’s information. After our time with our guests, we got some painting done for a gift and finished our name Christmas trees, which turned out cute! I hope they are displayed at your home.

Tuesday – The students came into class and started with a boy/girl cookie color page. We read the book If you give a mouse a cookie, which the students enjoyed. But most of all I think the kids’ favorite part of the day was getting to eat a cookie! They always enjoy the extra treat in class. After the book, we created our own cookies by tearing paper and gluing it down. Tearing the paper with the pincher grasp is a good fine motor skill, which we are working on and have done a few activities with this method. We also ended the day with the story Click, Clack Ho Ho Ho.

Wednesday – The kids started the day completing their monthly writing and coloring/drawing page for December. We do these monthly and save them to show their progress throughout the year. We also got some painting done for 2 separate projects and completed another goodie that will get added to your gift bag! The book read today was If You Take A Mouse to the Movies. The students also had their first practice with Mrs. Trish for the Christmas Play. She oversees this program. There will be some speaking parts, costumes worn, and a choir in which she picks the parts. Not everyone will have a costume on or have a speaking part, but everyone will be on stage at some point during the program.

Thursday – Students started the day prepping for our zoophonics Catina the Cat letter, which we constructed later in the day. The students watched a candy cane experiment which we started at the beginning of class and then checked back at the end to complete our experiment sheets. The kids enjoyed seeing the candy cane disappear on some. Try putting a candy cane in other liquids and see what happens. Have your child tell me on Monday if they tried other liquids over the weekend. Lastly, we worked hard on getting another project almost complete. The book read was 10 Things I Never Knew About Santa Claus.

The weeks leading up to Christmas really are flying by…we only have a handful of days left! Us teachers are stressing even more making sure all our gifts get completed and look great for you all. The kids have been working hard and will continue to finish things up next week. Be sure to check the calendar for the upcoming days and activities.

If you have any questions, please email me or message me on GroupMe!

Have a great weekend! 😊