This week we covered the letter Vv…

Monday- Vet day at ABC: Start up- names in QK; Centers/Activities- Vincent the Vampire Bat zoophonics craft, created our vet badges, we also had Chapel were we sang some songs; Book- Vera Viper’s Valentine Alphatale story

Tuesday- Vibrant Veggies: Start up- Letter Vv bubble find; Centers/Activities- Eat your veggies color page, color by # heart page, ABC fill-in hearts, Color veggies/cut/paste onto V

Wednesday- Vacation day: Start up- Letter Vv item color page; Centers/Activities- February writing/coloring sample, shared our Vacation pictures/souvenirs; Books- The Berenstain Bears Too Much Vacation, Vegetables in Underwear

Thursday- V is for Vase: Start up- Vv beginning sound writing/color page; Centers/Activities- Eleven activitiy page, A-Z uppercase/lowercase heart matching, Vase craft, Connect 4 hearts and Tic-Tac-Toe

Continue to practice letter and number RECOGNITION!!! FLASHCARDS help immensely!!!

Next week we will cover letter Dd and have fun things planned!