Hello! We had a great week! We rounded out Feb with the letter V and started March with the color Gray!

On Mon/Tuesday we read I Want to be a Veterinarian. We also did our monthly name sample.

In our centers we colored our V ABC page, made the letter V on a mini peg board, colored a volcano picture while watching a volcano erupt (baking soda, food color, dish soap, water, and vinegar! The Kids loved this!!) played with veterinary toys, practiced saying V words and making the V sound as we put the pictures on the Letter V.   The Volcano was definitely a big hit!!

On Wed /Thursday we focused on the color Gray. We read No Elephants Allowed, and played color/Shape Bingo.

In our centers we did Gray picture patterns, Colored a gray picture page, made the color Gray by mixing black paint and white shaving cream, sorted colored magnets, and built with Gray Legos.

The year is flying by! It’s already March!!! I’m excited to see how much more we learn before summer comes!

Have a great Weekend!

Mrs. Kristina