Hello! What a fun week! The sun is shining and we got outside!!

We started graduation practices this week- I can’t believe it’s only a week away!

Mon/Tuesday was shape review! In our centers we practiced our name, made shapes with monkey string, matching shapes, made a shape book and used bean bags to toss into shapes on the floor.

We also said Goodbye to our butterflies. Hopefully they find a nice home In Our playground!

Wed/Thursday was bubble day! we scheduled our day around graduation practices and playing with bubbles and chalk outside! The sun was shining and it was a perfect time to be outside!

In our centers we colored B is for Bubble, whisked bubbles in water in a sensory bin, colored on the white board, popped bubble wrap.

Next week we wrap up the year with popsicles, shaving cream, and fun games!!

I hope all you Moms have a Happy Mothers Day! We’ll see you next week!

Mrs. Kristina