November is just cruising along! This week we covered the letter Nn and had some extras the kids enjoyed throughout the week!

Monday: Nursery Rhymes/Packed the Shoe Boxes – Students started the day by practicing tracing all the letters of the alphabet in their QKs. We packed up our classes’ shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child at the start of class. Kids enjoyed hearing where the boxes could travel to and helping to place the items inside. Once they were packed up, we prayed over the boxes. We completed two nursery rhyme activities: Dab a dot on Humpty Dumpty and Itsy-Bitsy Spider sequencing. The books read were The Napping House and No David! We also recited a few different nursery rhymes.

Tuesday: Nifty Numbers – Start up today was an animal cut/paste pattern page. Our centers today included number matching cut and paste, writing/tracing numbers in QKs, square shape hunt worksheet, and lastly domino number match (number to domino dots). The books read today were The Ninjabread Man and I Want that Nut. We sampled Skittles and M&M’s and voted which were our favorite today since it was Election Day.

Wednesday: Oodles of Noodles – Our start up was a Nn is for Nose writing practice page. The kids enjoyed making noodle necklaces to show off throughout the day. (I dye them with rubbing alcohol and food coloring drops. I also added glitter this year!) We read the book Dragons Eat Tacos on Tuesday and completed an activity to go along with it. Also, we finished counting and pasting the flamingo page. The other book read was Aw, Nuts!

Thursday: #9 on the 9th – Students came into class and browsed through our class library. The things we completed today were making our Nigel the Night Owl zoophonics craft and colored and cut our rectangles. The book read was Just So Thankful (Little Critter). The kids enjoyed a little extra big room time today, since in the upcoming weeks we will be working hard on practicing for our Christmas Play and completing some crafts for all you parents.

Next week we will be starting letter Tt and have some fun activities planned and, we will be starting to get things ready for our Christmas parent gifts and other holiday crafts we will be starting.

Have a great weekend and see everyone back on Monday!