Hello! We had a great week! We learned the Letter T, and packed our Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. As a school we packed 100 boxes!! That is awesome! We couldn’t have done it without your donations~ Thank you so much!

On Mon/Tue we learned the Letter T and what sound it makes. We made a name train and heard the story There Was an Old Woman who Swallowed a Truck.

In our centers we Colored our T ABC page, matched turkey feathers with letters, made a T on rubber band geo boards, threaded beads to make a colorful turkey, and made train tracks.

On Wed/Thursday we packed our Showboxes. I wanted the kids to really understand that we are sending the boxes to kids who have almost nothing. I randomly made up a story of a boy/girl and talked about their day and what we do but they couldn’t  for example we brush our teeth- they don’t have tooth brushes, we put on socks they don’t have socks etc. I could see that some kids were really thinking about this and it made them eager to pack the boxes. My favorite is when they pray over the box. So so sweet!

In our centers we colored our Nursery rhyme page, matched ABC magnets, practiced cutting, made rectangles with kinetic sand, and counted with number pegs.
We also listened to Splat the Cat says Thank you.
We are definitely getting into cold/flu/RSV season at ABC. We are sanitizing multiple times daily! We are teaching the kids about covering coughs/sneezes at school and not touching others. Please tell the kids this at home too! Also if kids are sick please keep them home- I love having them at school but if they are sick it really shows in their motivation to learn and have fun! Please help us try and keep everyone healthy!!

Our Thanksgiving parties are coming up soon! All parents are welcome to come watch and help! Let me know if you can make it! Thank you!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Kristina