Hello! We have been in school for a whole month! Kids are crying less and smiling more! ❤️ Here is a look into this last week!

Mon/Tuesday we worked on the letter O. We read Tickly Octopus and made an owl to hang in the hallway.

In our centers we colored our O ABC page, formed the letter O with playdoh, made shapes with rubber bands on geo boards, used numbered clothespins to count and match numbers, Find the Letter O quick kit.

On Wed/Thursday we wore Pajamas and ate pancakes at school.

We read If You Give a Pig a Pancake, and practiced writing our name.

In our centers we colored our O ABC page, matched shapes, colored the letter P with pink and purple markers, ate pancakes and flipped “pancakes”, put pink and purple pom poms on the letter P.

Many kids still have trouble holding a pencil/crayon with the 3 finger grasp.  We encourage you to help your child practice at home with crayons, markers, chalk, even bath crayons!
I posted on the GroupMe app some items we need for our Harvest Party please take a look! I sent out private texts to some parents who marked they could volunteer to help as well, please let me know if you’re able to make it. All parents are welcome to come help and/or watch at the parties!

Thank you for all your help and support! Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Kristina