Hello! Welcome to November! This year is speeding right along!

This week we started the week working on #2 and doing some Halloween themed centers. We practiced writing our name and learned The Itsy Bitsy Spider.

In our centers we colored our Nursery rhyme page, counted to #2 using playdoh, practiced sorting with Halloween erasers, practiced counting by putting spider rings on a stick, and searched for small eyes in a bowl of rice.

On Wed/Thursday we worked on the Letter Z. We read Zero Zebras, and made a zebra printed Z.

In our centers we colored our Z ABC page, put counting chips on a Z is for Zebra quick kit, practiced cutting, Letter find (Z) quick kit, practiced zipping.
We also had Chapel where we listened to the story of Noah in the church sanctuary.

We are in the process of sending home quick kits with your child’s name. This is great practice! We are also always trying to encourage kids to use the 3 finger grasp to hold a pencil/pen! We appreciate all the help you can give at home!

Have a great weekend! See you next week!

Mrs. Kristina