We made it through the first week! I hope the kids came home telling you alot of fun things they learned!
For our first couple days we kept it simple so the kids could get used to the routines and schedule!
Tuesday/Wed we read the story If You Ever want to bring an Alligator to school, Don’t! And we painted hands for a first day of preschool craft.
Each day we have 5 different centers where the kids stay at for about 4 minutes. They rotate around the room visiting every center. For Tues/Wed the centers were playdoh, writing boards, unifix cubes, magnatiles, and suction toys.

On Thursday/Friday we saw the difference between a circle and an oval! We read I Love School and played some bean bag games.

In our centers we sorted circles and rectangles, strung buttons, made shapes on rubber band geo boards, shape sorting puzzles, and colored circles and ovals.

We had a great first week! Just a few quick notes!
– Sometimes our room gets kinda cold, a small sweatshirt in the bag might be a good idea, just in case!

– Next week we will begin having jobs in the classroom- line leader, lights, and caboose they will change daily.

– Starting next week we will give out Treasure Box only on Wed/Thursday. Mon/Tuesday will be sticker days if they can stay on the green light!
– The first thing we do is have the kids go potty, if you could help us encourage your kids to use the bathroom during this time! We take them when they ask, but we have such a short time together, if we have to keep taking kids to the bathroom it takes away from something else. Thank you!!

Have a wonderful weekend! I’m sure the kiddos are all pretty tired at this point! It’s tiring work getting into a school routine!

Thank you!

Mrs. Kristina