About Elaine

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So far Elaine has created 25 blog entries.

December 9th to 12th


First, I want to say thank you to the families that sent in Christmas stickers.  I think the class could have made cards all day if we had time!  I wish I could have video

December 9th to 12th2024-12-12T17:09:14-06:00

December 2nd to 5th


"C" is for Christmas, Christ, Candy Canes and Cookies! The class is busy preparing for Christmas.  The kids are practiced their songs and attended pageant rehearsal this week. We spent time every class making gifts,

December 2nd to 5th2024-12-06T18:47:12-06:00

November 18 to 21


Let it snow!  Crazy weather this week.  The kids were all very excited by the snow (and a bunny hopping in the snow on the playground).  I promised the class two items from the treasure

November 18 to 212024-11-21T18:42:30-06:00

November 11 to 14


"T" is for Turkey.  "T" is for Thanksgiving.  "T" is for Ten. The focus this week was giving thanks, the letter "T" and the number "10".  Chapel this week focused on "giving".   The children watched

November 11 to 142024-11-14T17:39:05-06:00

November 4th to 7th


The focus of the week was the letter "N" and the number 9 as well as name writing.  The class as a whole is improving dramatically on name and letter writing.  We used dry erase

November 4th to 7th2024-11-07T19:01:34-06:00

October 28 to 31


Happy Halloween!! On Monday, everyone had a great time at the Halloween party.  The kids all wore fantastic costumes! On Tuesday,  the letter "Z" was introduced.  The class built a zoo out of blocks and

October 28 to 312024-10-31T16:18:45-05:00

October 21 to October 24


Wow, I can not believe it is the end of October and we are still enjoying weather in the 70's.  I will continue to take the class outside for at least 15 minutes everyday as

October 21 to October 242024-10-24T11:59:53-05:00

October 14 to 17


"P" is for pumpkin! This week was all about pumpkins.  We read some great stories about pumpkins including Big Pumpkin and Pumpkin Jack. The class also learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin from seed

October 14 to 172024-10-17T19:00:33-05:00

October 7 to 10


Another very busy week! Monday was a very busy day with school pictures and a visit from two fire fighters!  The children not only got to talk with the fire fighters and see their equipment

October 7 to 102024-10-10T15:02:46-05:00

September 30 to October 3


The letter focus was the letter "R".  R is for rainbow.  Your child painted, cut out and colored rainbows all week. The math focus was the number "4", identifying numbers, counting the correct amount, and

September 30 to October 32024-10-04T09:49:27-05:00
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